Is belly fat a real problem for you? Well, now you can fix it. What you must do is to apply next tips in your daily lifestyle.Belly fat can be removed with a healthy diet and a dynamic lifestyle. I suppose your desire is to have a flat belly, than fat must disappear and this can be made through healthy diet.The process of achieving a flat stomach depends on how much fat must be removed. Fat from food is converted into body fat, and as long as we eat food without fat, we can lose weight. Fat can be also burned through diet and exercises, so abdominal muscles will stand out.Watch some tips necessary for a healthy belly fat removal:
Eat fewer calories than your body can burn
Eat fruits on empty stomach. Our stomach is empty over 4 hours after we eat last time. Never eat fruits after meals or as dessert, because they will slowdown digestion process. Fruits are quickly digested, but other food like meat require a long time to be digested. So, fruits must wait till food eaten before is digested, and will start to ferment, intestine being disturbed. Eating frequently fruits after meals will favor belly fat appearance;
Never eat at same meal proteins, lipids mixed with carbohydrates;
Eat more fibers from natural sources: spinach, endive, celery, mushrooms, green beans cauliflower, eggplant, tomatoes, asparagus, bran and whole bread, these will control the bowel, and will keep away constipation. Also, fibers will favor insulin secretion decreasing, which is responsible for fat formation;
Teach your body to be dynamic. Don't forget daily exercises. These exercises must be recommended by your doctor, depending on your lifestyle and daily activities.A healthy diet which includes raw fruits and vegetables, grains, water and body exercises will certain help you to achieve a flat stomach, an ideal weight and to feel better.